Al Nas Hospital

Laboratory & Blood Bank


Program director: Dr. Amal Fouad Rizk

The goals of the program are:

-  To develop a well-trained Clinical Pathologist who has an interest in this subspecialty.

-  To build up motivated scientists interested in research, who can contribute later to the developing knowledge in this field.

-  To create leaders, decision makers, administrative laboratory personnel.


Training Sequence:

  1. Laboratory/ Microbiology Fellowship Program:

The fellow will undergo following training:

-  Acquire sampling skills for 3 months.

-  Train on microbiology technique from A to Z (first manual then automated) work for 6 months consecutive.

-  Follow Quality control polices & Procedures & documentation.

-  Be responsible for the sampling room & Bacteriology by the end of fellowship.


       2. Blood Bank Fellowship Program:

-  Train on sampling skills for 3 months.

-  Train on Blood Bank techniques policies and procedures for 6-8 months.

-  Acquire Polices & Procedures quality control procedures & documentation, will learn about KPIs preparation, preparing data for M&M meetings for discussion

-  Be responsible for sampling and blood banking together with quality control by the end of the fellowship.


Regular meetings:

JCC: Sundays, Tuesdays

Scientific meetings

Morbidity and Mortality meeting.

Infection Control Meetings

Any additional.


 Mentorship& Assessment:

         Our aim is to provide our Fellows/Trainee with additional support on top of their formal clinical and academic supervision. A mentor will be an experienced Consultant, and as such in a position to offer an independent, objective perspective on issues related to working within the fellowship field.

Points of assessment:

1. Daily & Weekly assessment of performance

     -  Upgraded Skills

     -  Commitment to work & honesty

     -  Hard working &productivity

     -  Acquiring knowledge of all given producers and techniques.

2. Documentations, Sticking to regulations and no how of work.

3. Patient care, satisfaction, Patience & persistence in dealing with babies and children.

4. High quality performance.



1. Laboratory Fellowship Program


Candidates MUST be a graduate of an accredited medical school in Egypt or abroad and MUST have completed at least one-year work experience (& not more than two years).


Application requirements

Laboratory Fellowship Program is a 2-years program

All applications must be electronically submitted through the online application service of Al Nas Hospital. 


2. Blood Bank Fellowship Program


Candidates MUST be a graduate of an accredited medical school in Egypt or abroad and MUST have completed at least one-year work experience (& not more than two years).

Application requirements

Blood Bank Fellowship Program is a 2-years program

All applications must be electronically submitted through the online application service of Al Nas Hospital. 


How to apply

Applications are to be sent by email:[email protected]


