Cardiothoracic Fellowship
Program Directors:
Dr. Mahmoud El Shazly, MD.
This program is an introduction to pediatric cardiac surgery. It gives an extensive experience in pediatric and adult congenital cardiothoracic surgery. Al-Nas Hospital pediatric cardiac surgical practice is extremely active, performing approximately 1000 operations per year, with outcomes exceeding the STS benchmark in all STAT categories.
Upgrade your cardiac surgery practice to the next level, including basic knowledge and highly skilled procedures
Be involved in cardiac surgery research, audits and presentations
Having multidisciplinary experience in diagnosis and management of cardiac patients, including experience in interventional cardiology, radiology and intensive care.
Having deep experience in:
Adult cardiac surgery, including coronary artery bypass grafting
Congenital heart surgery, including neonatal, infant and adult congenital cardiac surgery
Valvular heart surgery, including aortic valve repair, mitral valve repair, aortic root surgery
Duration: 6 months.
Fellowship eligibility:
Candidates must possess a medical degree from a recognized Egyptian University.
Clinical Activities
The fellow is expected to:
Attend the Cardiac Surgery Clinic including preoperative visits for preoperative assessment, and postoperative follow up.
Insert intercostal chest tubes in all patient ages.
Discuss indications and contraindications for cardiac surgery
Be involved in perioperative management and decision making
Educational Activities
Attend and participate in weekly CME lectures
Attendance of the JCC and M&M meetings
Sharing in research (one working day/week)
How to apply
Applications are to be sent by email:[email protected]